
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bumbo Baby

We got out the Bumbo to try with Emersen. She's been improving so much on holding her head up, looking around and controlling her torso more, so we gave it a try. For her first time, she did pretty well. It wasn't so much her head as her body that she had trouble holding up. She liked it though and sat for awhile. We held her up when she got tired and then she would give it a go again.

A little to the right...then she got it.

Then a little to the left...a little squish to the front...

Then she got it again!

Bright eyed and bushy tailed in the Bumbo. Say that 5 times fast...or at all.

Then she started getting sleepy as it was getting close to nap time so we gave her some assistance. Look at her tiny hand on my arm - love it!

And...she's over it.

1 comment:

  1. Is that last picture her poop face? It looks a lot like my poop face.
