
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is it Spring or Summer?

So it was 80 degrees on Sunday. I work a sleeveless dress for most of the morning at church. It's going to be a high of 53 degrees this weekend. COME ON KENTUCKY!

Part of the reason I love Kentucky IS the definition of seasons - I like to experience each season and am usually ready for it when it come around. But especially this year, with the tastes of summer so early, am I itching for shorts, tank tops and buying a kiddie pool for me...I mean Emersen.

What are you looking forward to this summer? Favorite past times? Planned trips? Life changes? 

What should I add to our to-do-with-a-toddler-in-Lexington list?

Things we're looking forward to:

The new playground at Masterson Station Park - we haven't been yet, but have been admiring it's presence on top of the hill from Leestown Road since winter.

Lexington Farmer's Market which is now open every Saturday in Cheapside Park. Have you HAD the Kettle Korn? Delish. And there are often free samples as well as recipe ideas for your purchases.

Triangle Park which was recently revamped (and looks pretty awesome) will be hosting Movie Nights this Summer (May) starting with Pretty in Pink. And apparently, there will be board games and reading materials available, and a Cafe will be opening soon. I LOVE the downtown area. Not sure what it is but I love walking around down there.

I noticed on Facebook, during the summer, people are flocking to concerts. I used to love going to concerts (under my breath - until I got "old"). In high school I saw Ben Folds and John Mayer at Jillian's...before John Mayer was famous famous and it was AMAZING. Almost saw Coldplay too, but it didn't work out. This summer there are some mega concert tours - Pearl Jam, Beach Boys, Coldplay, Black Keys, Taylor Swift, Smashing Pumpkins, & Dave Matthews Band. Gosh, a lot of "comeback" tours I think. The State Fair always hosts some awesome country concerts too. I myself am a summer only country fan - for some reason, I love country music once it gets warm and sunny! Some links below are for some of the concert tours this summer. As a nod to the men, WWE is is listed. Not my man, but other men...your welcome. has tickets for Coldplay and the WWE wrestling plus Jason Aldean concerts. 

Now that we're all pining for the 80's (degrees that is, not the decade) and craving lazy warm days filled with watermelon, sweet tea and freeze pops (if you're my husband), I'll leave you to plan your outdoor activities and trips. But don't miss Spring - I tend to wish for what is coming instead of enjoying where I am. Do that, not what I do. You'll miss something and Spring is beautiful in the bluegrass, right? If you can see it through the sneezing and watery eyes...

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