
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Baby Needs - Part 1

As a result of posting pictures of Emersen with watermelon juice running down her face, another mom asked if I had found something to get watermelon juice stains out of clothes. I can't say that I've tried specifically to get watermelon juice out of clothes, but I have gotten strawberry juice out of white clothing as well as spit up, baby food and baby poop. And Dreft Stain Remover is always my answer. For all clothes for all sized people. 

When we bought our house, the couple moving out had a toddler. She ever so kindly brought me a baby present at our closing on the house (yes, they were special. Hope you're doing well Mays family!) that included the Dreft Stain Remover. I've used it ever since and make it a staple baby shower present as often as possible. Thinking about this reminded me of some other items I would recommend for new moms and babies, and often friends having their first child ask me what I used for laundry or what I included on our registry. With lovely sites like Facebook, I often put out a poll when I was experiencing something new or a problem with Emersen. So, I thought I'd just go ahead and put these out there. I may already have done this actually, especially because I talk about the Dreft a lot. But I'm including some items we "swore by" as new parents. Of course, they are also unique to our child for the most part - each baby is different and likes different things!
Trust me, you don't have to use Dreft detergent on your baby. Emersen has sensitive skin, and had HORRIBLE eczema as a baby. The All Free & Clear works just fine. And I'm fairly certain Up & Up for Target has a similar version that we've used successfully as well.
Yes it is different than Vaseline. Vaseline is like Kleenex - it's the brand of something, not the actual product. And Vaseline is petroleum jelly that has fragrance, which is sensitive skin's enemy. Therefore, Aquaphor works awesome because it soaks in pretty well and has no fragrance. Now, recently we did pick up some 100% petroleum jelly and have used it. It seems fine and is fragrance free. I just couldn't find it when I had been looking for something to use. Ultimately, the solution to Em's skin problems was getting of regular formula because of a milk protein allergy, but this did help some.
We had to start using bottles very early with Emersen because she wasn't gaining weight and I wanted to know exactly how much she was getting to be sure she was getting enough milk. We had some bottles already from hand-me-downs, but she would gag, choke and it would run everywhere. Until there was NUK, the orthodontic nipple, which is very similar for a baby that is breastfeeding. AMAZING difference for Emersen and drinking from a bottle. 
I had heard the pacifiers from the hospital were amazing. Emersen disagreed apparently. She never cared for it too much. It wouldn't stay in (which is common). So we tried brand loyalty and found that these worked for Emersen. She was such an oral oriented baby that we pushed the pacifier on her when she was very young. She was always sucking but wasn't always hungry. Trust me, I gave her all she wanted and she spit it all back up on me. Now, we never allowed Emersen to get attached to the pacifier. As she got older, we used it sometimes if she was upset. At the doctor, for example. Some naps she got it. And particularly when her first teeth were coming, we would give it to her to suck/chew on. After a week of not using it, unintentionally, I just put them away and never got them back out again. The pacifiers with this loop on the outside match up with pacifier holders better than the hospital ones as well.
The nightgowns that are zip sacks with arms are the best thing ever for newborns who don't like to be swaddled. Which Em would immediately get her arms out of her blanket. Then, she was so active even as a baby that she would wake herself up getting out of the blanket. We had one nightgown like this and loved it. They're VERY hard to find in this form, with the sleeves. But if you can, its just the best. As a parent, I'm a strict rule follower for all recommendations by pediatricians regarding blankets and stuffed animals, etc. Why risk what could happen with a blanket in the crib when you can get them cozy with layers. The sleep sack below is more common. In this case, it serves AS the blanket. You put them in pj's, then put them into the sack. When they're tiny babies, they don't move that much so not that big of a deal. But as they start kicking, and especially rolling, I can't imagine adding a blanket into the mix for them to get wrapped up in but unable to get themselves out. I'll say more about this below in regards to the monitor.

So baby socks. They're annoying. They do not stay on well AT ALL. I said all the time that you could be a millionaire if you could figure out how to get them to stay on without being very tight. None are perfect but there are a few we really liked. We only realized which we liked best because we had a bag full of hand me down socks to do trial and error tests. Old Navy, Baby Gap and Children's Place, in my opinion, have the best socks. They stay on well and obviously last a long time because ours are hand me downs and in great condition. Once they get old enough to stand/walk (even with assistance) get the kind with the size/brand in rubber writing on the bottom. Even know when Emersen can walk really well, we only put this type of sock on because without the rubber, it's simply too slippery. Toddlers are horribly clumsy and she falls all over the place without the help of a slippery situation.
Now, this was going to be one post. But once I got started, I thought of other things I would recommend. And things I would say you don't need. And these are both questions I've received from a couple friend who have had babies recently. Do I really need a diaper jeanie? Do I need a wipes warmer? Bassinet? Crib? Changing table? Pack n Play? I polled moms/parents on Facebook about a couple of these items myself. SO - I'll post again with additional items. It's like when you get married - you think you need every kitchen gadget known to man to start your home. But how many of you out there have a gadget drawer full of cool, but unused, stuff? Quesadilla maker - it's called a small skillet? Smoothie maker - called a blender? Fine China - get real. I'll try to prevent you from getting a Quesadilla maker for your baby if I can. 

1 comment:

  1. 2 things... #1- I swear by Dreft, too, but watermelon juice must come from a different planet. Let me know if it works for you, but so far I'm losing the battle. #2- next month I'm doing this same series... top 5 must haves, favorite baby items, things you can do without, etc. and I was hoping to do a link-up. Would you like to help me come up with topics and we can do it together? I'd love that and was thinking of tying it in with Mother's day. Also, that would remind husbands who read blogs that the ever so important holiday was coming up! :)
