
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Holy Chicken, Batman

You know, now that I'm home with Emersen and have rearranged some things in our life, I feel pretty calm and even keel. I had really been struggling with the "be slow to anger" verse in Scripture. On a regular basis. However, even now I'm kind of worked up about a current event in the media, but I don't have the same extremely annoyed feeling. It's more like...disappointment? sadness? confusion?

I am sure that most of you have heard one version or another of "The Chick-fil-a Saga." There has been a lot of misleading reporting on the original interview with Mr. Cathy of the infamous chicken corporation. There has been a lot of mindless chatter as well. And while it's all pretty ridiculous, it also says a lot about people, beliefs and culture. And I wanted to put my thoughts out there as well. The reaction, as portrayed in the media, has been of large proportions. But I also feel it's been a bit outrageous.

As a reminder, Dan Cathy of Chick-fil-a was asked about the company beliefs and values related to marriage. He explained that they stand for traditional marriage as outlined in the Bible. The end.

My pastor often challenges us as Christians to be known for what we stand for not what we're against. I felt like Mr. Cathy expressed this in his answer. I didn't hear a message of hate, of disgust, of protest against a behavior, lifestyle and especially not against a person. Check out what the company does here - namesake of a football bowl, sell chicken, strive to be "America's Best Quick Service Restaurant," sponsor foster homes, marriage retreats and wilderness events to name a few things. As everyone knows, the famous restaurant is closed every Sunday, which you can read about that decision here. Finally, on the bio page for Dan Cathy, his passion is to meet the Chick-fil-A Corporate Purpose: "To glorify God by being a faithful steward of all that is entrusted to us. To have a positive influence on all who come in contact with Chick-fil-A."

At, K. Allan Blume writes:

In a recent visit to North Carolina, Cathy said, “We don’t claim to be a Christian business.” He attended a business leadership conference many years ago where he heard Christian businessman Fred Roach say, “There is no such thing as a Christian business.”

“That got my attention,” Cathy said. Roach went on to say, “Christ never died for a corporation. He died for you and me.”

“In that spirit ... [Christianity] is about a personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are.” Cathy added.

“But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us.”
I'm having trouble with the intolerance of intolerance - yes, hear the irony in that. Number 1: Many times, those who aren't Christians will claim they don't like Christians because they're hypocritical. But when a Christian adhered to their beliefs, no matter what may come their way, people were upset. Number 2: For better or worse, in America, we do have the freedom to have different beliefs and are supposed to be able to share them freely. We don't have to agree, but it's supposed to be okay to have differening opinions. Number 3: Dan Cathy didn't say anything about not liking someone who practices homosexuality. He didn't bash a gay person or their wish to get married. Number 4: A gay person wants the right to be gay and have the belief that they should be able to get married. That's their opinion about homosexual behavior. Some people don't think you should go to church on Saturday night instead of Sunday. Some people don't think you should allow processed foods in your diet. Some people think that if you don't breastfeed until your child is one year old that you're not doing it right. Some people don't like the color red, blue or green. These are opinions. Number 5: Please acknowledge that we should expect Christians to adhere to the whole Bible, the whole word of God, and not to waiver on their beliefs. After all, that's sort of the basis of Christianity - that you believe in one God, and one way to heaven. Please acknowledge that you shouldn't expect a person that doesn't claim to be a Christian to act in a way in line with Christianity or the Bible. Why would they? The Bible challenges complete submission to our heavenly Father EVEN AGAINST THINGS THAT COME NATURALLY TO US. Without freely choosing to love God, why would you choose to act in a way that is pleasing to Him?

So...because we live in America, Chick-fil-a gets to operate on biblical principles if they want to. And because we live in America, you can choose not to eat there if that isn't where you want your money to go. And I just wish people would stop looking for something to get mad about or argue about and understand that just because you are FOR one thing, doesn't mean you're AGAINST another thing. Most importantly, for me as a Christian, is that just because I don't agree with a behavior doesn't mean I have anything against the person doing it. Additionally, I want to offer the challenge to give thought to what the numbers say as a result of the "Chick-fil-a Appreciation Day": sales surpassed records and the attendance broke records. What does that say about the perception that was being portrayed by the media? Did they make it sound like everybody disagreed with Chick-fil-a's comments? Because the numbers say that some people agreed with their beliefs. Others agreed with the idea that Chick-fil-a at least had a right to their beliefs and expressing them freely. Others were probably bigots who hate gay people. Such is life. But the people who reacted by vandalizing a Chick-fil-a building with the graffiti "Tastes like hate," or the executive who belittled a Chick-fil-a employee bewilder me; how is that behavior helpful and what point did it make? You are now LITERALLY doing what you ACCUSE Chick-fil-a of doing. Except you broke the law.

Folks. We have got to refocus. God does speak against homosexual behavior in the Bible. And the difference between God saying it and a human saying it is that He is God. Always has been, always will be. He's always existed. His word doesn't change, while humans are imperfect and ever changing and will die and be gone. He also says that if you have hate in your heart, you might as well have murdered someone. He says that if you look at a woman with lust and want, you might as well have committed adultery. You know what else God says? That if you acknowledge that you have sinned (p.s. we all have thanks to Adam & Eve) which means living as if you're in control with disregard for God, and believe that Jesus is who God says He is (Jesus is God in human form, who came to earth, was killed, rose 3 days later and then ascended into heaven), and confess that you're surrendering everything publicly to live out that you believe that He is in charge if your life, then you have absolute forgiveness and reconciliation to God. You will go to heaven when you die, not hell. What else does God say? He says that you can really know a person's faith by what their life looks like. What is different about their life now? What evidence is there in their life that matches how Christ acted? The Bible says we are justified by faith alone, not by works, so that we can't take the credit. But it also says faith without works is dead; that you know true faith by the proof, that actions speak louder than words.

I don't know how any of this gets misconstrued into hate towards any person. At church we often say that we love people and want them to come to Jesus JUST AS THEY ARE. Then we say BUT, we love them enough not to leave them there. We know that we know that we know that God's way is the best way. Any thing separate from God is based on a person, and we're temporary and will change and fail. That's why things can't be "okay for that person, but not me" or say "I don't belief this, but whatever they want to do is fine for them." There IS one God and only one way to be reconciled to God because He's perfect. We can't be enemies with Him AND get into heaven. Then, as a Christian we do have to tell you about God, His Word and what it says because we don't want to leave you where you are! I keep asking if you know what else God says and I ask again. He tells us to go tell our city, state, nation and world about what He says.

I just wish that even those who don't believe in God, or who do but don't have the personal relationship required for heavenly citizenship, would respect that IF a Christian believes in God, believes God and believes what His word says, that we LOVE you enough to tell you about it. We LOVE you because God loves you. God IS love. If a Christian isn't doing that, please, feel free to call them a hypocrite. Myself included.

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