
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day in the Life

Today is one of those days. Wait...not one of THOSE days, but one of those days where you sort of just want to pinch yourself. Or at least take a deep breath and sigh. I know many parents say they can't believe how much they love their kid. And you really can't believe it sometimes. I tell Emersen at least a hundred times a day that "Mommy loves her." Eventually, she's going to say "Ok mom...enough already." Fortunately, she doesn't speak in sentences yet.

One month into my new working arrangement, and I'm still adjusting to our new normal. I feel SO much better on a regular basis. I can work/be productive during the hours that work for me, not between 9am & 5pm. I feel more on top of certain things, like cutting up the celery, freezing meat and cleaning the microwave (still not on grocery shopping/meal planning/couponing) and things that shouldn't stress me out don't anymore!

Changes to things other than employment have made a difference as well. Spending time with a cutie-pants will change your disposition for sure. But, we planted a garden and I love getting veggies out of it. And hopefully sunflowers soon! I'm going to embrace some crafting/creating as well. We freed ourselves from cable and satellite and now we can rearrange our furniture any way we want! And less money is coming out of our bank account at the same time (Yay, Hulu). While I didn't have any excuse previously, I do find it easier to sit down for breakfast and spend some time in God's word each day as well. That will change your disposition and outlook any day.

Needless to say, I wanted to take the opportunity to express gratitude for my day today.

Psalm 118:24

New King James Version (NKJV)
24 This is the day the Lord has made;
We will rejoice and be glad in it.

Baby and Em in her blocks box.

Loves to build with her blocks. We're working on colors. And not knocking them all over.

Traveling in Kroger. We're fancy.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing how happy this decision has made you... and I can see it on your face every time I am around you, too! God is so good, and Emersen just gets more and more awesome. That picture with the sunglasses is priceless! :)
