
Friday, February 25, 2011

I Love this Kid!

"Yo, what's up? I'm just chillin' yo.
I'm so relaxed that I have a spit bubble just sitting on my lips."

"You talkin' to me?"

"You talkin' to ME?"

On a less pleasant note, we're experiencing mommy-hood while sick for the first time. Fortunately, I've had family and friends to care for Em so we could try to keep her well. She had a touch of something, her first fever but only for a few hours. And a little coughing and sneezing. It's been hard to not be around her and love on her! I have been praying for us to stay well or at least not get it as bad as my parents had it, and am so thankful that at least Emersen has stayed pretty well. How do you handle this situation - I'd love to hear? I mean, to me it seems like if you have someone to watch your kid while your sick and can help them stay well, you would. Or am I a baby, and being selfish? These are things I don't know. At least while she's still so young, I'd like to keep her well if possible!

I will say that this past week has been the most challenging week in a long while. Tendinitis when I had to be on my feet at a conference, sickness where I was staying for the conference, sending Em home, just a "one thing after the other" type week. But I've definitely found myself turning to God - thanking him for the small blessings in the midst of small annoyances. I just assumed he had something bid in store for the conference I was working such that the devil sure didn't want us to be successful! Whatever the case may be, God is good all the time. Sometimes it takes some hardships to see the small, little things and be grateful for them.

1 comment:

  1. Little colds, here and there, build her immune system, so they're not TOTALLY bad.
