
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Weekly Doctor's Appt #4

Well folks, I'm still pregnant. I say this with a "smile." But let's be honest, she's my child and I don't do well when people try to tell me what to do either.

Dr. Looff says I look great, I'm doing great, blood pressure is great, etc. He says I'm 3-4cm, but wrote down 3cm officially and 100% effaced. So again, she just hasn't gotten the notice yet that it's time. We scheduled our next appointment for a week from now, which Dr. Looff doesn't think we'll make. But he also said that last time. When I told him we weren't supposed to be here today, he told me I probably confused what days I was supposed to cross my legs this weekend. Again, funny guy, eh?

Wes predicts tomorrow - something about how he had been thinking of her birthday as being on the 13th. And when we did my ultrasound at 20 weeks, the estimated due date at that point had moved up to the 14th. So we'll see how accurate those things turn out to be.

Dr. Looff also warned this might be our first parenting battle with a stubborn child - well duh, and especially if she has red hair. By the way, Wes is predicting blonde on that front, like mine he says. But really, I was pretty bald. I looked like a boy baby.

That's all we know right now. Dr. Looff sort of offered that, while he doesn't recommend induction, he wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it because of how progressed I am. But, he reiterated that it's really better for nature to take it's course. I agree with him 100% and for some reason knew I would be faced with that decision - to go back on what I've claimed to believe simply because of uncomfortable circumstances. I maintain an attitude of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" and that was the perfect test for me. Because, I really DO want to meet Emersen and don't care much for being a ticking time bomb. But, I really feel that letting things take their natural course is best as long as baby and I are okay.

Next week at our appointment, we'll evaluate things again, discuss scheduling ultrasounds, non-stress tests, etc that are normal once you're past due. I mean, if I cannot sleep at all or walking is more painful and so forth, then we may have to look at other options. I'm keeping an open mind.

Well, that's all folks!

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