
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Weekly Doctor's Appt - #2

This is me today. Delirious and on-the-verge-of-tears tired. Please, oh pretty please, do not say (at least out loud) about how I don't know what tired is until the baby comes, that God or Mother Nature is getting me ready for when she does come. I know - and I do mean KNOW - that I will at least have the opportunity to sleep more/better once Emersen is no longer taking up residence in my belly. I will be able to roll over to find a position pain-free, or at least less painful, to sleep in; I will be able to lay on my back or stomach without a 6-7 lb baby laying on my inside parts. I will be able to get out of bed without excruciating pain. Sorry folks, I'm getting to that tired & cranky state of pregnancy and would just like to say that there ARE more encouraging things to be said to a pregnant lady than "well, just wait until the baby comes..." because that's when it gets harder.

Moving on - we had our weekly appointment today. Things are progressing. I am currently 1-2 cm dilated and my cervix is thinning out. Dr. Looff says that if I continue this progression, hopefully labor will go smoother/quicker as well. He does not speak in absolutes, so please don't share with me how you were dilating SO much but then got stuck or whatever other horror stories you feel I need to hear. Trust me when I say that I don't. Dr. Looff asked me today how my sense of humor was and I said honestly, "not really here today." So I'm honestly telling you that as well.

I will probably have to do a post regarding things NOT to say to pregnant ladies, just as a refresher course to those a little far removed from being pregnant or having a pregnant family member/friend. This will have to wait until I'm not pregnant anymore because otherwise it will probably have an edge of annoyance and bitterness rather than well-meaning advice.

In case you're concerned with my mental state right now, I can say that I am super excited about Emersen arriving. I can't wait to meet her and hold her and see what she looks like. I also can't wait until I can hug my husband as close as normal and move back into our bedroom and reach the kitchen sink. I don't blame her for jabbing me in the middle of the night or being heavy or anything. In fact, I told her today she could stay in as long as she wants - to which Wes replied, "oh, in hotel Morgan?" because I didn't want her to think I really wish her out sooner than it's time. I talked to God today and I told him that I knew I couldn't get through this day, or any other, without him and that truly I do know that his timing is way better than my wishful thinking. I am joyful even if not happy at all times - after all, we can rejoice for this is the day that the Lord has made! And really, at this point, any day could be Emersen's birthday!

1 comment:

  1. People who say "just wait until the baby comes" obviously do not remember what it was like to be pregnant, or they have never been pregnant. I promise you get much better sleep once the baby arrives. True, not ever like you did before you were pregnant...but MUCH better than while you are pregnant.

    Hang in there! She is going to be here so soon...and you will feel sooooooo much better.
