
Saturday, September 29, 2012


So y'all know about Pinterest by now, right? If not, I want you to at least be aware of its existence. It's a personal decision to join the masses. I distinctly remember a friend, Ashley Logan, asking me if I was on Pinterest and telling me I needed to be. She was very adamant that I join. I checked it out and joined up. Now I'm a moderate user.

Pinterest is certainly interesting. It's like being able to browse through magazines for the pictures without ever stopping. I, by the way, rarely read articles in magazines but mostly look at the pictures. I probably won't make a dish if only the recipe is listed, but if there is a shot of the final product, I'm much more likely to make the attempt. Therefore, pretty pictures catch my attention via Pinterest.

Now, as with literally EVERYTHING, Pinterest is good in moderation. Definitely not excess or obsession. You will find yourself in WANT with many things that are impractical, unreachable, impossible, sold out and/or outrageously expensive. You will find yourself questioning why you didn't think of that, why you haven't organized every inch of your house, why you are still buying premade food, clothes, and/or cleaning supplies. You will find yourself committing to more craft projects than you could imagine starting, much less completing. At least completing AND sleeping a reasonable amount of hours in a night. What I'm trying to say is that you may find yourself discontent. And if you can't control your exposure to Pinterest and maintain proper perspective, then yes, you should avoid it all together. Count your blessings instead of how many holiday DIY gifts you can pin.

My cautionary tale is done. Moving on to some good stuff. I wanted to pass along some things I've gleaned from Pinterest that were helpful and/or delicious.
Shredding Chicken with your Kitchen Aid Mixer - I personally did this, in like 30 seconds. Literally.
Pumpkin Snickerdoodles - Made these. They're pretty good, better warm for sure. But the ingredients are those that you usually already have in your pantry. My finished product is below.
Magical Magic Erasers - I already used it to get scuffs off walls and clean up tennis shoes. I want to try the trick for cleaning the toilet with it by letting it float over night!
I, too, have pinned many a craft or activity I want to try but haven't yet. I tried some Pumpkin Frozen Yogurt tonight, but will have to let you know about it tomorrow. It didn't get as firm as I hoped for in the ice cream attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer. However, I used frozen pumpkin so not sure how that plays into things. Next on my agenda is a popcorn & candy corn snack mix, perhaps a chevron painted pumpkin, and some activities for Em. I'm really looking forward to the Thanksgiving items I've saved because it sort of gets lost in the action between Halloween and Christmas. I'm sure I'll be partaking in more Halloween items because it's not even October yet, and we'll be celebrating Em's birthday in Lexington around Halloween. Which, so far, she is saying she wants to be a pumpkin for Halloween. Creative, eh?

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