
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Big Shoes to Fill

Daddy's shoes
Mommy's shoes
We are just over a month away from Emersen's second birthday. That is crazy! And so fun. We feel so blessed to have her little face in our lives.
Em's vocabulary and speaking abilities are expanding exponentially every day. She's remembering stories and wanting to tell us. She is able to identify the person she is speaking to or needs something from and tell us what she wants us to do. And usually she says please and thank you. Now she's shortened it to "thanks." Today, she said "excuse me cups" as she walked over her cup on the floor. Hilarious.
Her favorite things to do are to play with play dough, draw, read, push her baby around in her stroller, watch Thomas the Train, and if she really had her way, to watch Caillou. However, Wes & I find Caillou's voice extremely whine-y so we're going to try to retract the freedom. She doesn't really watch tv for very long, so Thomas works best because the stories are about 10 minutes long.
Emersen still amazes us with her "people" skills, in that she remembers so many people that she has met. She randomly brings them up to say she misses them. And we pray for them of course. Sweet girl is starting to remember her friends in the nursery at church so hopefully she'll be able to call them friends.
Other favorite things include singing Itsy Bitsy Spider (she likes the "washed the spider out" part), You are My Sunshine (she fills in the words as we go), and Jesus Love Me (she likes the "He is strong" part). She is loving chips & salsa and most recently taco dip. And candy corn. Which is already gone, despite the fact it's not even a week into September.
Based on my lady and her enthusiasm for her Halloween books as well as pumpkins, I'm thinking the seasonal obsession I have is genetic and Em is going to make me proud. But thus far, all she has to do is smile or laugh or hug or say her version of "I love you," & we're proud of that little person.

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