
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Icky Prayers

Last week, I took Emersen to the library story time, on a play/walk date with a friend/baby, and she had another play date with two little girls. Those children-filled times were sandwiched between weekends at church in the nursery. Therefore, and of course, Emersen got sick last Saturday night. She spiked a fever during the night, making her restless. So I checked on her and she wanted mommy. I took her temp, then delivered some Tylenol. She had been coughing a little bit, with a little gag. And of course, then she threw up like 5-10 minutes later. The worst. Thank the Lord, it was only one time. She was acting "okay" as far as Emersen would at midnight. She wanted to read, but not be apart from me. We tried setting up camp downstairs, but I guess the fever which had gone down but not away, prevented a good sleep. Finally, she fell asleep on me around 4am and slept a couple hours. I slept zero hours. We spent Sunday on the couch and being lazy. We alternated between Grey's Anatomy and Caillou for Em on TV. She slept 4 hours later in  the day, and slept great that night. She did spike a 102 fever again Sunday, but I gave her ice to suck on to keep liquids going in and that seemed to help bring it right back down. After Sunday night, she was snotty and coughing, but no fever. We slowly introduced all the foods and milk back in since she had thrown up. Monday and Tuesday weren't good for napping because coughing kept her from going to sleep quickly and staying asleep. Yesterday was better. Monday night and last night she had coughing fits that didn't seem to wake her up, but woke me up and lasted about 30 minutes or so. She had been sleeping later too, but today woke at normal time. I think she is slowly on the mend, which I hope helps her "deal" with things a little better. But she is almost two, so it might just be the age. Comparatively to fits and whining I've heard elsewhere, it's not too bad, but compared to Emersen's disposition, it will be an adjustment.

I do know that sickness is the thing that so quickly brings me to prayer. I mean what can you do for a two year old at 1:30am when she is coughing? Nothing. She wasn't awake, and it's better for her to get good sleep to get better. She can't have cough syrup. So I prayed and prayed and prayed. With kiddos, there just isn't much you can do for them medicine wise. Obviously, prayer is the biggest and best thing you can do for them, but when they don't feel good, you want to treat them as you would yourself and eliminate pain and sickness with medicine. I can quickly turn anxious during Emersen's illness, especially that which includes throwing up. But I know that I have to turn to God, because I'm not in control. And He doesn't have to stop what is happening either; sometimes kids are sick. And I lay in bed begging for coughing to stop, that he would please calm her body so she could relax and sleep quietly. But somewhere there is a parent begging for their babies LIFE, because of an accident, because of genetics, because of cancer. This is just coughing. However, I'm her mother and so I pray. It's what she deserves.


  1. Sounds a bit like what Lil is experiencing right now... no fever but coughing, snotty, and gagging on food, so I'm thinking her throat is sore. We're so blessed to have healthy kiddos most of the time but it's always so hard to see them sick. Hope Miss Em feels better soon!

  2. Hope she is better! We've got that going around here too. Cora had it for her birthday and then Micah the next day. He did a cough/burp/gag/vomit thing several times. It is a helpless feeling not being able to medicate. Sick babies certainly do send you to your knees. I found myself praying last night to be thankful for their good health all the time - I certainly take it for granted. Hope Emerson is on the mend - not sure how long this pesky cough is going to stick around!
