
Monday, August 22, 2011

Biggie & Smalls

You know how people have nicknames that are opposites? Like a tall person is called Shorty, or a thin person called Heavy. Here's Biggie and Smalls, from left to right of course.

This is Stella, and she's technically 3 days older than Emersen. She was BORN 3 days earlier than Emersen via emergency C-Section. This took place when she was about 32 weeks along! This little tough girl has always breathed on her own and been fiesty ever since. 

I believe she's currently pushing 10 lbs. Her 3 month size shorts are still too big. Our 12 month pants are too short. Such is life. 

She is SO cute. I tell her and her mom over and over again when they're around. It's probably annoying. But she IS. SO. CUTE. She's playing with Emersen's soccer toy - early interest? Her big brother could teach her a thing or two. She thought Emersen was funny, she kept laughing at her. And recently her Aunt gave her a Capri Sun and powdered donut for breakfast - hey, it was vacation. So she's living large! 

I think seeing these two babies together makes you consider what a miracle ANY baby really is. How amazing it is that they were born so close together, but are so different. Each unique in their size, smile, development and habits. Wow God. Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made, and I think these ladies illustrate this so well. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, once I had experienced the process of growing a baby and seeing how the parts of your body work and adapt to carry a baby (especially a huge baby) that I don't know how you can question whether God, the one and only, created us and on purpose with purpose. It's all too intricate and perfectly designed. 

"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, 
not only bc I see it, 
but bc by it I see everything else."
 C. S. Lewis

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