
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Belated Late Nights

Started on Sunday night:

Well we have been so fortunate that once Emersen started sleeping through the night we haven't had any problems with her doing it every night. Once when we were traveling we accidentally woke her up after a day of barely any napping. She cried and cried. I had to lay her on me for a bit but laid her back down and she went to sleep. And then tonight, which is why I am posting so late, she woke up cring around midnight. She has been constipated in the unproductive way - can't get it all done at once so goes frequently but not easily. So her butt is getting raw again and she's screaming when we change her. Add in getting 2-3 teeth as well.

We just transitioned Emersen to soy formula. Cheaper for sure. And she didn't have an eczema reaction. But the last time Em had the pooping issues that led to a raw butt was transitioning to ALL formula. Sensitive little thing. So I'm taking night duty if anything else comes up. I put the liquid Mylanta on her, plus what little Aquafor I could slap on her. And laid her back down and she's been asleep for awhile. I'm not yet. I am so thankful to know I have Wes to help me. He had her almost all day while I bridesmaided it up at a bachelorette party tonight and pool time with them today. Wonderful man.

For all the wonderful help Wes, he is still human and imperfect, as am I. This week Matthew West, a Christian musician, said a couple things on KLOVE radio. He was talking about his song "Strong Enough" which if you haven't heard it, check it out for sure. But he said (not exact quote) "God did not create us to be self-sufficient. He didn't create us to be strong enough alone. The American dream is 'dream it and you can do it yourself' but this is opposite of the gospel." When I posted that on Facebook, it got a lot of "Likes" and comments. I think we all agree in our heads but often don't demonstrate we rest in this truth (2 Corinthians 12:9, among others). Every day we're all going through something - even if it's not a "big" item/situation, it IS your daily reality and therefore a big deal to you. And we were not created to do it alone - we all have the need for a Savior because God made us that way and provided His Son to fill the need. I can't imagine life without the hope of Christ - I rest in knowing He's on my side, He's looking out for me and has a plan for my life. I know that when hardships come, it's because He knows I can handle it.
1 Corinthians 10:13
New International Version (NIV)
13 No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
He allows the tough things and the good things each day, but we can rest in a constant, that this is another day and it is ultimately good because God made it.
Psalm 118:24
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
24 This is the day which the LORD has made;
Let us (A)rejoice and be glad in it. 
God is the only way out to things we think we can't handle. God is the only answer, the only way to finding your purpose in life, your joy in life and your eternity after death. Sounds simple doesn't it? Sheesh, why do we always complicate things?

I've been trying to rest in God's truths lately. This is something Wes and I have discussed; how we believe the lies that little voice chattering on in our head says about finances, health, status, jobs, and so forth. Instead, we should be filling our head and heart with something that doesn't change depending on what type of day you have at work or how you feel - and that's God's word. It's the truth we should fill our head with to knock out the negative and complaining voice.. The youth at my church recently did a series called "One Month to Live" and questioned whether how we were living is how we would live if we had 30 days to live. And yesterday, this verse was on my iPhone bible app reading plan:
Psalm 39:4
English Standard Version (ESV)
 4"O LORD,(A) make me know my end
   and what is the measure of my days;
   let me know how fleeting I am!
I don't know about you other parents out there, but I feel like I evaluate how I spend my time and money, what my attitude is and what my priorities are now that another little being is dependent on these things. It's easier when they're tiny, nice and cute to think of it - we should think that way about our spouses but they're not as tiny & cute. It is a challenge to balance daily life/struggles with your own faith as well as ministering to your little one through how you parent/love/live.

No pressure.

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