
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Heavenly Seven


So Emersen is 7 months old now! It's just flying by and we're loving every minute of it. Based on the quantity of slobber from her mouth, and some little teeny white dots, we're thinking another tooth is on its way in on top. Her bottom two are in for the most part and are SO cute when she smiles with them showing.

Still 4 bottles a day, but amount of milk has decreased to about 25 oz a day. Oatmeal twice a day. Fruits/veggies with 3 meals. Sometimes she has some juice in a sippy cup (with water mixed in) mostly when she gets a little irregular. Occasionally she'll have a rice rusk called a Mum Mum or something. She likes being able to eat on her own a little and you can see her bite up on it with her teeth.

She's starting to do parts of crawling. While on her belly, she pushes her chest and upper body up pretty far. Then, from sitting, she's twisting onto her side some where if she just turned a little more, she would be on all fours. She wants to GO! - you can see it in her eyes.

Right now, her schedule has been off - she's waking up earlier, but she stays in her crib regardless until 7:30am usually - rolling around or talking. But its been even earlier. So that throws off everything - try to wait to feed her but then she's so tired that eating is a challenge, etc. But this morning I let her "cry it out" - there wasn't much crying, just fussing a bit after being in her crib and awake for so long. But she went back to sleep and I got her up at 8am to eat. Hopefully after a couple days of this, we'll be back on track. Weekends often throw the schedule for a loop.

I've been trying to say grace with Emersen before most of her meals. Can't wait to hear that little voice, and then hear that little voice talking to God.

She is saying ma-ma-ma. She doesn't look at me and say "Mama" though. But that's her sound at the moment - it's like she learns a new one and forgets the others until she's got the new one mastered. It used to be da-da-da but it's only ma-ma-ma now. Speaking of da-da - he is still the comedy star for Em. She thinks he is SO funny - he can always make her laugh. And there is nothing better than a baby laughing!

I can't believe how grown up she looks sitting in the chair! Thanks to Waverly for the cute little dress to borrow for awhile.

And eventually our true nature comes out - this one sums up Emersen I think. Generally, she's ridiculous. Ridiculously cute...

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