
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I love it, I love it, I love it...

Sunday was the much anticipated launch of our church - Turning Point Church. IT WAS AMAZING! God is amazing. It was an incredible morning, probably the most fun I've had at church in awhile. Given the call Wes and I felt to be on our end of town serving the local church, we really have felt the culmination of the call in our new roles with this church plant. It's been tiring, challenging but mostly exciting to be where God is working.

As the leadership started early, the anticipation built and we were just like "get the people here!" And they came. And with the people, there were so many kids. It was awesome to see their cute little faces at the registration desk. Awesome to see so many trusted us with their precious cargo. Exciting to talk to a couple AFTER the service who want to come back, so were asking questions about childcare and the kids ministry.    

The service as incredible. The auditorium was PACKED OUT - we had to get some extra chairs out. Leaders/volunteers were standing. Bless our mom's group friends who ended up on the VERY FRONT row! Total count for the morning was 285 people. For our FIRST official service. We expected a lot of people, but seeing them and hearing the number - it's real! 

Something that will change after the first Sunday is the length of the service - the excitement bubbled over in Pastor Josh as he shared about their call to Lexington and then got into the message...and his comedy routine...and the best event of the morning was the 11 people who committed their lives to Christ. Amen. 

Loved the morning, loved the people, love the church and love my Lord. 

And love my's my Valentine's Day Post:

Don't you just want to pinch her cheeks!?!

They have deep discussions at dinner, obviously.

This is Emersen's love...she likes to hug baby close and say "aww" about baby. She also requires baby to hold her drink for her.

Thanks again to my cousins for the hand me downs, as the stroller is a big hit for this walking lady!

We love, love, love this girl so much. It's probably embarrassing for others to hear us talk about her: what she did this morning, her bathroom habits, how she eats, what she says, who made her laugh. But she's such a blessing!

Oh and I almost forgot - Sunday was ALSO the date 2 years ago that I said "Happy Valentine's Day" to Wes and showed him a pregnancy test that was POSITIVE! Can't believe how the time has flown by over the 2 years. God is so good. 

1 comment:

  1. Just got goosebumps about that last part... what a great Valentine's present! And yes, God IS amazing and so was Sunday! Can't wait until next week!
