
Friday, August 24, 2012

Fictional Real Life

If you keep up with the blog, you know that I quit my job. You know that we quit cable and got Hulu. And we've picked up a few new shows with Hulu, like Last Man Standing, with Tim Allen. Which is like a modern version of Home Improvement. Different stories, characters, etc but similar format and we laughed out loud a lot. I watched a show that I found out was canceled. Wasted my time on that one I suppose. Oh and we found New Girl. That show is OUTRAGEOUS. And it got a bit inappropriate after awhile. We're going to start the new season and see if it's less raunchy - sometimes new shows start out too sexy. And after we got caught up on these shows and now are waiting for the new seasons, I have found a new show. I have joined the bandwagon and the masses. I judged others for watching the show. And now, it's closing in on possible addiction.

I found Grey's Anatomy. And oh dear. I was looking for a crime show, and really couldn't find any more worth watching. I did find Body of Proof, but got caught up and I'm waiting for the season to start. So, having watched the rest of the series/seasons of House when we got Hulu, I found another medical drama. I had watched one or two episodes before, but it didn't really stick. But this time. Sheesh. Talk about drama. And usually, that's annoying to me. But this show knows exactly when to go from up to down and take another turn. I seriously have cried on several episodes. If you watched Grey's Anatomy, I'll let you know that I finished Season 2 last night. Denny Douqett and Izzie. Oh. My. Goodness. The show is full of really, really stupid decision making, lots of drinking, risk taking and lots, and lots of sex. Yeah.

So, again, this show is really not one I would typically like. And I can't even say I "like" it all the time. The story line is so well written and for once, there are actual surprises on a show. Soapbox moment - these days, they show the whole story on previews for TV shows AND movies. You know what is going to happen. Every time. Even when they try to trick you in the preview, they do it so often that you know that nothing twisty is really going to happen. And maybe if I was watching Grey's in real time, the case would be the same. But bad things happen, people die, and people are stupid. And I love it? No. But it's "real."

I am going to dive into some over-analytical and over-spiritual commentary here. But, I have discovered a new found awareness of the brokeness in the world. Not just today, it's always been there. I just didn't know. Or want to know. Now, I'm not crazy. I do know that Grey's Anatomy IS just a show. It's fiction. Nonetheless, there is some truth in most fiction. Sure there is embellishment and hype because it's a show. But, I'm assuming there are people out there in similar circumstances. Sleeping around, high risk behavior, conflict avoidance, affairs, questionable ethics, daddy issues, cancer and of course, death. And again, it's just a TV show, but I couldn't ever handle the ups and downs, the hurt, the fighting, the instability and so forth. I couldn't handle the consequences; mental, emotional and spiritual, or physical even - on the show there is unwanted pregnancy, scheduled abortion, STD's and so forth.

It's unbelieveable to me the effect watching the show has had on me. I get emotionally involved in shows. Come on Gilmore Girls lovers, you're with me right? But what has afftected me the most is just knowing that there are people just like the characters, living their lives just like the characters, and going through similar experiences and therefore consequences and emotions. There are good lessons to be learned from the show - not waiting to express love and admiration to people, don't give up your marriage just because of infidelity, don't put career over friends & family - but those are lessons learned from bad experiences.

I can't imagine going through those experiences without knowing God. Without knowing that it wasn't the end of the world. Without knowing that I was made on purpose and for a purpose, not for mindless wandering through life. I admit, I have a hard time empathizing with wanting to make in-the-moment decisions with detrimental consequences. I mean, that is why God is God and why the Bible is our guide. One God, one way to do things. Otherwise, who says what is right and wrong? It's different from person to person and whose to say that you can really get mad at someone who "offended" you based on that thinking. It's relative. And I can't deal with that.

God's way is the way I go. I choose to go that way. I choose to love God and live a life that hopefully shows that I love God. He created me, I live for Him. I'm NOT a slave to my impulses (direct quote from Grey's Anatomy - "the body is a slave to it's impulses.") And I know there are many blessings in my life, for which I am grateful. But I think that in watching Grey's Anatomy, I have kind of gotten a picture of where I might be if I hadn't admitted that I was trying to be in control, believed God is who he says he is and confessed that I had given my life over to God. And for THAT, I am grateful.

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