First, turn it up load, I took this on my phone.
"Tall...short. Tall....short. Tall....short. "
It's a simple life being a toddler and learnin' things.
Uploading pictures as we speak. I've been out of my blogging habit lately. See you soon!
Mostly a blog devoted to life as a parent of the lovely 2 year old Emersen, with a hodge podge of real life, pictures, & what God is saying as well as rants and raves thrown in.
In a recent visit to North Carolina, Cathy said, “We don’t claim to be a Christian business.” He attended a business leadership conference many years ago where he heard Christian businessman Fred Roach say, “There is no such thing as a Christian business.”I'm having trouble with the intolerance of intolerance - yes, hear the irony in that. Number 1: Many times, those who aren't Christians will claim they don't like Christians because they're hypocritical. But when a Christian adhered to their beliefs, no matter what may come their way, people were upset. Number 2: For better or worse, in America, we do have the freedom to have different beliefs and are supposed to be able to share them freely. We don't have to agree, but it's supposed to be okay to have differening opinions. Number 3: Dan Cathy didn't say anything about not liking someone who practices homosexuality. He didn't bash a gay person or their wish to get married. Number 4: A gay person wants the right to be gay and have the belief that they should be able to get married. That's their opinion about homosexual behavior. Some people don't think you should go to church on Saturday night instead of Sunday. Some people don't think you should allow processed foods in your diet. Some people think that if you don't breastfeed until your child is one year old that you're not doing it right. Some people don't like the color red, blue or green. These are opinions. Number 5: Please acknowledge that we should expect Christians to adhere to the whole Bible, the whole word of God, and not to waiver on their beliefs. After all, that's sort of the basis of Christianity - that you believe in one God, and one way to heaven. Please acknowledge that you shouldn't expect a person that doesn't claim to be a Christian to act in a way in line with Christianity or the Bible. Why would they? The Bible challenges complete submission to our heavenly Father EVEN AGAINST THINGS THAT COME NATURALLY TO US. Without freely choosing to love God, why would you choose to act in a way that is pleasing to Him?
“That got my attention,” Cathy said. Roach went on to say, “Christ never died for a corporation. He died for you and me.”
“In that spirit ... [Christianity] is about a personal relationship. Companies are not lost or saved, but certainly individuals are.” Cathy added.
“But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs and partnerships we have. And He has blessed us.”